Does your mind seem gloomy or unsettled?

Conditions Treated:

  • Panic Attacks
  • Depression
  • Trauma
  • Coping with Medical Issues
  • Avoidance of Medical Procedures

Panic Attacks

Unexpected iintense fear, physical symptoms, and a fear of dying, going insane, or losing control. That’s a panic attack.

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Most Panic Attacks Can be Easily Controlled. Panic attacks are the form of anxiety that I have had the greatest success treating. The main cause of the physical symptoms of a panic attack is usually the depletion of carbon dioxide from the blood stream prior to a panic attack. Once this variable is identified the problem can be corrected rather easily with a simple breathing technique. For many, deep breathing is not effective because it can perpetuate the problem. Many people have given up on breathing exercises for this very reason. learn more

We start by understanding your present situation.

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Depression constantly robs us of the joy of living.

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Depression is not just being down, it’s a biochemical condition that limits and distorts what we see, hear, feel, and do. So often those around you may not understand what’s happened to you. Major depression is a biochemical problem that may require a combination of medication and psychotherapy. Cognitive therapy has an excellent track record in treating depression. Cognitive therapy for depression involves a combination of behavioral activation, a systematic re-engagement of the individual in activities (exercise, those found to be pleasurable previously and others) and cognitive restructuring. Cognitive restructuring examines the negative or otherwise unhelpful thoughts that lead to negative feelings, especially about self. These thoughts are brought to light in order to examine their accuracy. I do not believe that major depression is brought on by negative or incorrect thinking. I do believe that it is a complex biochemical condition in which these types of thoughts serve to perpetuate and worsen. The likelihood of becoming depress can increase after cardiac events, cancer, and COVID.


Traumatic Experience not only can affect your personality, it can change the brain.

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We all face challenges in our lives but sometimes our experiences are overwhelming. Trauma can cause lasting changes in people, including changes in brain activity. There is no pill for trauma or grief. Compassionate treatment which supports the individual emotionally while helping them integrate the traumatic experiences into the totality of their life experience is often the most effective approach. Combining non-judgmental listening with relaxation, meditation and even biofeedback help the individual develop the emotional resilience required to develop a new perspective. Sometimes panic or symptoms of depression must be targeted first as they will perpetuate the traumatic response and impede recovery.

Coping with Medical Illness

A diagnosis of a serious or chronic medical illness can leave on confused about where to proceed and how to cope.

Receiving a diagnosis of cancer is a shock for any patient or family member. In many cases it is no longer as bleak of a prospect as it once was. Each year treatment improve and new medications are developed to help manage the side effects of treatment. We are often anxious to begin treatment immediately. Sometime we are asked to struggle with a whole new world of treatment options – with little upon which to base our diagnosis, or even our questions.

Early in my career I worked in the area of rehabilitation psychology, specifically with individuals who had sustained severe traumatic brain injury and spent months in coma. Working with these people after they emerged from coma required a very different approach. They needed coaching, not analysis. They often had hidden strengths, skills, and mindsets that were crucial in supporting them as they re-learned everything from how to walk to social skills. Learning how to cope with a chronic illness like multiple sclerosis or autoimmune disorders can require similar support along with help to see that a life with limitations is still worth living.

Fear of Medical Procedures

You don’t have to avoid medical settings or procedures, you can learn how to cope with them.

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Phobias and obsessive-compulsive disorder require additional treatment components. Most notable is ERP or exposure with response prevention. Avoiding or escaping situations that give rise to anxiety symptoms is the best way of making those symptoms stronger. First they are taught how to relax, become mindful of one’s building anxiety. Then they are able to actually reduce the anxiety with self-control techniques. This prepares the individual to become gradually exposed to situations, thoughts, or bodily sensations that tend to produce their anxiety symptoms. By gradually increasing the exposure to what some call “triggers” the symptoms begin to decrease. They are essentially starved or extinguished due to lack of reinforcement.

Then we identify reasonable goals.

What would make your life easier?

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It is possible to live a good life even if it’s not an easy life. Rachel Naomi-Remen